Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Ooh it's getting cold outside...time for some home-made ginger cordial

As the weather starts to cool, the skies seem more grey than blue, we all know that our first winter cold is about to make itself known. My home-made ginger cordial isn't a cure all but will warm you from your core and only takes about 30 minutes to make.

Try it and let me know what you think.

Ingredients :~ Makes 350ml approx but this recipes doubles easier
  • Rind of 1 unwaxed lemon
  • 150g golden caster sugar
  • 240ml water
  • 3 inch (generous chunk) piece of ginger peeled and chopped finely (or cheat and throw in the blender with the water)
  • 2tsp cream of tartar
  • 50ml fresh lemon juice

    Step 1. Peel the rind off the unwaxed lemon making sure you remove any of the white pith and put in a heavy based saucepan.

    Step 2. Add the water, ginger, cream of tartar and the sugar last.

    Step 3. Turn up the heat to bring to the boil and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

    Step 4. Take off the heat and add the lemon juice.

    Step 5. Bring back to the boil then strain the mixture through a fine sieve or muslin into a bowl and set aside to cool.

    Step 6. When cool, pour into a sterilised bottle jar (I used a bottle that originally contained olive oil).

    Keep refrigerated and use within 2 weeks .

    I got this recipe from how to cook good food.




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