Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Soap Making

I have just finished my introduction to soap making at the Make Lounge and wow, I loved it. The course has completely opened my eyes to the skill, science, passion and craft that is making soap. I will upload my photos of my soap once they have finished curing.

This photo was added 2nd March 2011

Saturday, 1 January 2011

New year, New Resolutions

Today is the 1st of January 2011 and I feel a change in the air, rather than making another resolution to join the gym (5 years and counting). I am taking the step towards my life goal of owning my own designer-crafter-maker business and trying to gain some skills.

I have found two venues that are running the kind of courses I'm interested in the Make Lounge and Craft London and best bonus they are in the local area.